The Collegiate Church of St Mary, Swansea

Music List

July 2024


Tuesday 2nd July                 Eve of Thomas, Apostle

5.30pm Choral Evensong, sung by the Gentlemen of the Choir

Johann Sebastian Bach           Ich rufzu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639

Plainsong Responses                                                                                       Psalm 27

J.H. Arnold                               Tones & Fauxbourdons

Franz H. Himmel                     Incline thine ear                                              Hymn 412

Johann Sebastian Bach           In dich habich gehoffet, Herr, BWV 640



Sunday 7th July                   The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Choral Eucharist

Léon Böellmann                      Prière à Notre-Dame                                      Hymns: 558, 320, 507, 612

Richard Shephard                   The Addington Service                                                Psalm 123

Alun Hoddinott                        Holy, holy, holy

Léon Böellmann                      Toccata, from Suite Gothique


4.00pm Choral Evensong

Dietrich Buxtehude                 Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV 208

Thomas Ebdon Responses                                                                               Hymns: 391, 380 (i)

Charles Villiers Stanford in C                                                                          Psalm 64

Ernest Bullock                         Give us the wings of faith

William Walton                       Spitfire Prelude


Tuesday 9th July

5.30pm Evensong

Johann Sebastian Bach           Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641  Psalm 135

Canticles Set D                                                                                                Hymn 15

Johann Sebastian Bach           Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, BWV 642



Sunday 14th July                 The Seventh Sunday after Trinity        Sea Sunday

11.00am Choral Eucharist

Final Sunday of Choir Term

Johann Jakob Froberger          Toccata VII in G, FbWV 107                            Hymns: 413, 234, 411, 496

Richard Shephard                   The Addington Service                                                Psalm 85, 8-13

William Byrd                           Ave verum corpus

Herbert Murrill                       Carillon


4.00pm Choral Evensong

Alec Rowley                            Benedictus

William Reynolds Responses                                                              Hymns: 456, 543

Thomas Tertius Noble in B minor                                                       Psalm 66, 1-8

John Ireland                            Greater love hath no man

Sigfrid Karg-Elert                    Marche Triomphale: Nun danket alle Gott


Following Evensong today St Mary's Choir will be in summer recess



Tuesday 16th July

12.00noon Midday Prayers

1.10pm St Mary’s Summer Organ Series: Dr Anthony Gritten, Royal Academy of Music



Sunday 21st July                 The Eighth Sunday after Trinity          

11.00am Sung Eucharist

John Ireland                            Sursum Corda                                      Hymns: 163, 589, 475, 478

Richard Shephard                   The Addington Service                                    Psalm 23

John Ireland                            Alla Marcia


4.00pm Evening Prayer (said)



Tuesday 23rd July               Bridget of Sweden (1373), Abbess of Vadstena

12.00noon Midday Prayers

1.10pm St Mary’s Summer Organ Series:Simon Price, Organ Scholar, St Mary’s



Sunday 28th July                 The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Eucharist

Richard Popplewell     Prelude on ’Down Ampney                            Hymns: 175, 284, 308, 455

Richard Shephard       The Addington Service                                                Psalm 145, 10-18

Flor Peeters                 Festival Voluntary


4.00pm Evening Prayer (said)



Tuesday 30th July               Silas, Companion of Paul and Missionary

12.00noon Midday Prayers

1.10pm St Mary’s Summer Organ Series:Dr William Reynolds, Director of Music, St Mary’s


Wednesday 31st July        Joseph of Arimathea; Ignatious of Loyola (1556), Priest & Founder of the Society of Jesus

6.00pm Bishop’s Visitation