What's on this Week in St Mary's


Sunday 21st July                     11.00am    Holy Eucharist

                                                 4.00pm     Evening Prayers


Monday 22nd July                    Closed


Tuesday 23rd July                    10.30am     Cafe Open (Lunches Available)

                                                 12.00pm      Midday Prayers

                                                 1.10pm        Organ Recital by Simon Price (Organ Scholar, St Mary’s, Swansea)



Wednesday 24th July                9.30am - 11.00am    Brunch Club in Vestry Hall

                                                 11.00am      Said Holy Eucharist

                                                 12.00pm      Start Course Introduction to Christianity

                                                 1.00pm        Wedding Blessing

                                                 5.45pm        Church Committee Meeting in Vestry Hall


Thursday 25th July                   11.00am - 2.00pm  Kids Holiday Fun


Friday 26th July                       10.00am       Prayers in St Phillip's Chapel at St Mary's

                                                 1.00pm        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

                                                 1.00pm - 2.00pm - The Quiet Hour


Saturday 27th July                   10.30am      Cafe open

                                                 12.00pm      Said Holy Eucharist


Sunday 28th July                      11.00am      Holy Eucharist

                                                  4.00pm       Said Evening Prayer




Daily with God.  A daily prayer manual

'Daily with God' is designed to offer you the opportunity to shape a pattern of prayer which suits you.  It includes some of the greatest and best-loved prayers of Christians down through the ages.  It gives you a core of prayers to use daily as you approach the throne of God's grace, together with prayers for particular occasions and opportunities.  +Gregory Llanelwy (Bishop of St Asaph).

Copies are available at the cost of £12.99 including UK postage and packing (Bilingual).  For more information or to place an order please speak to Revd Justin Davies.


New Monthly Events Diary

Our new Monthly Events Diary containing all upcoming events for June is available at the back of the church.  If you have an event that you would like added for July please email davidbennett@cinw.org.uk or speak to Fr. Justin.


Summer Organ Recital Series

A series of weekly Summer Organ recitals, taking place every Tuesday from Tuesday 16th July until Tuesday 10th September.  These recitals will start at 1:10pm and the Cafe will be open from 10.30am for refreshments.  Admission is free with a retiring collection being taken for the maintenance of the organ.


Bishop John Visitation Service

We're excited to be welcoming Bishop John to St. Mary's Parish and Collegiate Church on Wednesday 31st July for what we're sure will be a lovely evening of faith and fellowship.  The service will begin at 6pm, and everyone is welcome.  It is hoped that Church Wardens, Sub Wardens, Church Committee Members and other Officers will make an effort to attend.



For Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Confessions, Spiritual support contact:

Rector - Revd Canon Justin Davies 07881 501292