What's on this Week in St Mary's


Sunday 2nd February                11.00am      Choral Eucharist

                                                   1.45pm       Bible Course on the Letter to the Romans

                                                   4.00pm       Choral Evensong


Monday 3rd February               5.15 - 7.15pm     Bell Ringers


Tuesday 4th February               10.30am - 1.30pm  - Cafe Open

                                                   2.00pm      Mothers' Union talk on the Women of Palestine

                                                   5.15pm      Choral Evensong sung by the Gentlemen of the Choir


Wednesday 5th February           9.00am - 11.00am -  Brunch Club in Vestry Hall

                                                  12.00am      Said Holy Eucharist


Thursday 6th February              10.30am - 2.30pm - Church Open

                                                   12.30pm      15 Minute Lunchtime Meditation


Friday  7th February                  10.00am      Prayers in St Phillips' Chapel at St Mary's

                                                   11.00am      Mothers' Union Archidiaconal Eucharist in Holy Trinity Chapel

                                                   12.30pm      Sabel Karios Prayer Group

                                                      1.00pm        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


Saturday 8th February               10.30am       Cafe open

                                                   12.00pm       Said Holy Eucharist


Sunday 9th February                 11.00am       Choral Eucharist

                                                   1.45pm         Bible Course on the Letter to the Romans

                                                   4.00pm         Choral Evensong





Tea, Coffee and Welcome Ministry

Teams of volunteers serve refreshments after the 11am Sunday Eucharist and Wednesday service and
welcome people into St Mary's.  If you would like to help, please do speak to our existing volunteers
or a member of clergy.


Bubble Church

We are looking to start a monthly Bubble Church for the younger generation later in 2025.  To do so
volunteers are needed to take part in training and then help run the services.  If you think you can help,
please speak to Rachel, our Director of Minster Youth and Families.


For Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Confessions, Spiritual support contact:

Rector - Revd Canon Justin Davies 07881 501292