What's on this Week in St Mary's


Sunday 19th January               11.00am      Choral Eucharist

                                                 1.45pm        Course on the Book of Romans

                                                  4.00pm       Choral Evensong


Monday 20th January               Closed


Tuesday 21st January               10.30am       Church Open

                                                   5.15pm        Evensong



Wednesday 22nd January           9.00am - 11.00am -  Brunch Club in Vestry Hall

                                                   11.00am      Said Holy Eucharist

                                                   12.00pm      Bereavement Friendship meeting in Trinity Chapel


Thursday 23rd January              10.30am - 2.30pm - Church Open

                                                   12,30pm      15 Minute Lunchtime Meditation


Friday 24th January                   10.00am      Prayers in St Phillips' Chapel at St Mary's

                                                   1.00pm        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


Saturday 25th January               10.30am       Cafe open

                                                   12.00pm       Said Holy Eucharist


Sunday 26th January                 11.00am        Choral Eucharist

                                                   1.45pm         Course on the Book of Romans

                                                   4.00pm         Choral Evensong





    We are seeking someone to help support the ministry of welcome at St Mary's on Sundays
Wednesdays and Saturdays to hand out service books and welcome friends new and old to
the services.   Also on Sundays and Wednesdays to help provide tea and coffee after the morning
worship.  It would be wonderful if we were able to develop these ministries in the church.
Please do consider if you can help in any way.


Bubble Church

    As we are looking to the future and ways to develop our ministry to new generations, we are
intending to set up a local Bubble Church.  Bubble Church is a puppet packed, Jesus centred,
30-minute family service that would be held on a Sunday at a different time to the 11.00am service.
The service involves the use of puppets to provide an exciting way of presenting the good news
of Jesus Christ.  If you are interested in this please speak to Revd Rachel or Revd Justin.


For Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Confessions, Spiritual support contact:

Rector - Revd Canon Justin Davies 07881 501292