Music at St Mary’s


St Mary’s Church, in the heart of Swansea’s City Centre, demonstrates a strong commitment to music and the arts; it hosts regular arts festivals, concerts and exhibitions, and is keen to promote its own professionally directed Choral Programme.


There are three cathedral-style choral services a week during term time as part of the worship, mission and witness of St Mary’s Church, and offer significant musical and educational opportunities to the people of the City and County of Swansea.

Our Choral Scholarship Programme is in partnership with Swansea University and is supported by the Cathedral Music Trust the Swansea St Mary Choral Trust.


St Mary’s Church is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music.


Did you know that opportunities exist at St Mary’s to be part of the following?


St Mary’s Boy Choristers (ages 7-13)

Meet on Fridays for Junior Choir Practice 4.30pm-5.45pm (which includes the learning vocal technique, learning vocal technique, choral repertoire and music theory) and Sundays (Choral Eucharist and Choral Evensong) and Festivals.


St Mary’s Girl Choristers (age 7 upwards)

Junior girls meet on Fridays for Junior Choir Practice 4.30pm-5.45pm (which includes the learning vocal technique, choral repertoire and music theory) and Sundays (Choral Eucharist and Choral Evensong) and Festivals.

Senior girls feed into the SATB Choir (see below)as maturity and musical development allows.


St Mary’s Choir (SATB) an ambitious mixed-voice choir (teenaged girls, boys, and adults) singing a broad cathedral-style repertoire for two choral services every Sunday (11.00am Choral Eucharist and 4.00pm Choral Evensong), regular high profile city, regional and diocesan events, weddings, radio broadcasts, concerts and cathedral visits.  Weekly rehearsals, Fridays 7.30-9.00pm. Teenagers are particularly welcomed, as are adults with good sight-reading skills.


Choral Scholarshipsare offered in partnership with Swansea University, each to the value of £1000 p.a.


Younger singers receive:



University Choral Scholarships


Come along to St Mary’s on a Friday evening for

Choir Practice at 7.30pm to meet us, join in and find out more,

or for further information, contact


Dr William Reynolds, Director of Music

(01792) 467606

St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Square, Swansea City Centre, SA1 3LP




Presentation of a £15,000 cheque to St Mary’s from the Friends of Cathedral Music in November 2017 as an endowment grant towards an additional choral scholarship, with Peter Allwood, Chairman of FCM, and the Most Revd John Davies, Archbishop of Wales.



Organist & Director of Music

Dr William Reynolds is Organist &Director of Music at St Mary's, Swansea, around which he maintains a busy portfolio as a freelance musician pursuing a wide range of activity including organ and harpsichord performance, choral conducting, editorial musicology, arts consultancy.  He is Regional Manager(Wales) for the Royal School of Church Music and a Visiting Music Tutor at Swansea University.  He is also Musical Director of the Gower Chorale.


William studied music at University of Wales, Bangor, where he gained the degrees of BMus, MA and PhD (his doctoral research surveyed Music and Liturgy in Wales and the Borderlands, c.1485-c.1642).  He has had research articles published in theJournal of the Royal College of Organists, theJournal of the British Institute of Organ Studies, and Welsh Music History, with Cathedral Press publishing some of his performing editions of seventeenth-century anthems.  He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and holds performance diplomas from Trinity College of Music, London, and the Royal Schools of Music.  Before moving to Swansea he worked as a tutor in the School of Continuing Education at University of Wales, Bangor, as a lecturer at Coleg Menai, was Organist at Christ College, Brecon, Sub-Organist at Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral, and Organ Scholar at Bangor Cathedral.  His organ teachers have included Andrew Goodwin, Martin Souter, Huw TregellesWilliams, and Jane Watts.


He has appeared on radio and television as a choral conductor and organist, has recorded as an organ accompanist on the SAIN label, and has performed in France (including Notre Dame, Paris), Belgium and Malta, and has twice given solo organ recital tours to Italy (2009 and 2016).  In 2012 William participated in an international organ masterclass week at the Prins Claus Conservatoire in Groningen, Holland, with the privilege of playing numerous organs dating from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

In 2012 he was presented with The Archbishop of Wales' Award for Church Music for his services to church music in Wales and at St Mary's.



Our Team of Assistant Organists:

Mr Andrew Goodwin, MA, FRCO, AWACM

Mr Huw Tregelles Williams, OBE, DL, BMus, MA, HonDLitt, FRCO



The Organ at St Mary’s

Wm. Hill & Son and Norman & Beard Ltd installed the present 3-manual organ in St Mary’s in 1958 in readiness for the reconsecration of St Mary’s in 1959.  This instrument had originally been built in 1912 for Woolwich Town Hall as a memorial to Edward VII.  There have been several subsequent modifications, most recently the addition of a 32’ Contra-Trombone rank in 2010.  The organ is in regular use for the accompaniment of services, for teaching, for music examinations, and for concerts.  In 2012 we hosted a study day for The Royal College of Organists.  Eminent recitalists who have performed at St Mary’s include Fernando Germani, André Marchal, Dr Francis Jackson, Sir George Thalben Ball, Dame Gillian Weir and Carlo Curley, and our Summer Organ Series has become an established part of the St Mary’s diary for Tuesday lunchtimes from July to September. 

A specification of the organ can be found on the National Pipe Organ Registry website: