Sunday 11.00am Choral Eucharist
4.00pm Choral Evensong
Tuesday 5.15pm Choral Evensong
Wednesday 11am Holy Eucharist
Friday 10am Prayers
12noon Cymun Bendigaid(4th Friday)
Saturdays 12noon Holy Eucharist
We have an active Team of Servers and Acolytes who assist in the Sanctuary.
Swansea Minster is the Civic Church for the City and County of Swansea. There are many times in the course of the year in which special services are held, sometimes commemorating a particular anniversary or Diocesan occasion.
The Church is open on a daily basis, allowing for members of the public and our various congregations to use the Minster for private devotion. The Chapel of St Philip is set aside for prayer and talking to clergy. The various memorial books along the north aisle lead naturally towards the votive stand at which candles can be lit and prayers of intercession left in the book provided.
Further details are regularly advertised in our weekly newssheet and appear on our notice boards outside the West End of St Mary’s.